Category Archives: Breed

Terry the Terrier?

Some names have a talent for suiting certain pups in particular. The name Terry fits right in for a certain group of dog breeds, particularly those that tend to be a little smaller but show no shortness in courage, intelligence, and loyalty. While names tend to be universally acceptable for any application, when it comes […]

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To Name a Corgi

Corgis are one of the top 25 favorite dog breeds because of their small sizes, friendly attitude, and general cuteness. Finding a name for these friendly companions take special effort though. Here then are a few things to consider when naming your corgi pup. Consider a name that hints at the royal lineage and favor […]

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Zoe, A Pup Full of Life

Deciding on a single name for your pup can be hard sometimes. Some sources of inspiration come from today’s popular trends and others lend from historical characters of ancient times. Then there are a few names that have stuck around for ages, and are just as popular today as they were a thousand years ago. […]

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